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Employer Resources

Flashpoint Q&A's



From your Dashboard in Flashpoint:

  • Click My Company.
  • Click Work Reports and you should see the apprentice name with hours waiting for approval.
  • Click on the empty box next to the apprentice name and under National ID, to view the daily breakdown of each apprentice individually. Make sure there are no holidays or vacation days submitted.
  • Click the back arrow at the top of the page to return to the approval section.
  • If changes need to be made to the hours submitted, check the empty box to the far left of the apprentice’s name. Then click Reject Selected and the apprentice will be automatically notified via email that they need to correct and resubmit the month.
  • If hours are ok to approve, check the empty box to the far left of the apprentice’s name. Then click Approve Selected.


From your Dashboard in Flashpoint:

  • Click My Company.
  • Click OJT Hours.
  • Click on Entered by Company, then click Edit to enter apprentice’s OJT hours by category. Use the TAB button on your keyboard to move to categories that are not immediately viewable on your screen. If a different month needs to be entered, select Edit Another Month. Once hours are entered in the correct categories, hit Save Hours. Then you are finished and can move on to another apprentice.
  • Employers enter the OJT's the same way as apprentices do; however, there is automatic approval when the education contact enters them.


From your Dashboard in Flashpoint:

  • Click My Company.
  • Select which apprentices you’d like to look at (check the empty check box to the left of their name).
  • Click on lower printer icon with drop down arrow (in upper right corner).
  • Click Total OJT hours.
  • Click Only selected rows 
  • Click Render.
  • It will download a .pdf file that will show all hours that have been entered by month. Click on that file to open and view.


From your Dashboard in Flashpoint:

  • Click on My Company.
  • Click on an apprentice name (do not check the box-just click on the name).
  • Click on Student Profile, and all classes they’ve been enrolled in will show up with grades.
  • To print this page, right click anywhere on the screen and click the print button.
  • To view the next apprentice, click on My Company again and repeat the steps above.


You are able to run 2 reports.

  • To show an apprentice’s assignment grades & final grades.
  • To show an apprentice’s OJTs that have been entered.

From the Dashboard in Flashpoint:

  • Click on My Company.
  • Check the box by the apprentice you want to see.
  • Click the printer drop down on the upper right next to the binoculars.
  • Select the desired report to download and then click Render.
  • The Student Grade Sheets report will show all grades and the final grade is in bold font, next to the dates of the class.
  • The OJT Report will show all hours entered by month.


From your Dashboard in Flashpoint:

  • Click on My Company.
  • Click on the apprentice’s name you want to view.
  • Click Student Profile.
  • The specific class they are in, is listed at the bottom and the Status column will show Enrolled. Under Upcoming Class Days, Flashpoint only shows the first 10 days of a class on this screen.  All daytime classes will have a total of 12 days of class.


From your Dashboard in Flashpoint:

  • Click My Company.
  • Click on an apprentice name.
  • Click on Student Profile.
  • The number of absences will appear for that apprentice.
  • Flashpoint does not have a way for employers to see total absent hours at this time (apprentices are able to view total absent hours when they sign into their personal Flashpoint).


  • An apprentice can miss up to 8 hours without needing to attend  make up class. If 9-16 class hours are missed, make up class is required.  Once 17 hours of class are missed, the apprentice will no longer be in the current program and an email will be sent to advise the employer.
  • Please contact ABC with any questions at (515) 985-1160.